Legacy Prep School Mission Statement

“I will raise my eyes to the mountains; From where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:1-2

Legacy Prep School is a collaboration between parents and students with the goal of fostering a love of learning, nurturing spiritual growth, and cultivating strong relationships with God and others.

Vision Statement

Legacy Prep desires to serve as a beacon of light, guiding students on a journey of discovery and faith. We envision a community where every child is cherished, where the love of learning is cultivated, and where the presence of God infuses every aspect of our educational endeavors. At Legacy Prep, we strive to equip our students with the tools they need to become compassionate, curious, and capable Christians who will leave a lasting legacy of love and service in the world.

Purpose Statement

Our Purpose at Legacy Prep School is to create a community where education and home meet. Legacy Prep sees the formative years as crucial for children’s overall life development. This provides the perfect opportunity for parents and teachers to partner together to build strong academic foundations while also strengthening the important connection to the family unit.

Legacy Prep values the whole child. Busy schedules can make it difficult for kids to find time to explore extracurricular interests while also having time at home. Legacy Prep desires to be a solution by providing an opportunity for a positive school experience, while maintaining strong connections within the home. A Hybrid model program enables students to maintain balance. Students will receive instruction by trained teachers two days per week and supported learning within the home three days per week. By adopting this Hybrid-approach, we can partner with parents to empower students to thrive academically, emotionally, and spiritually as they engage in meaningful educational experiences in our classrooms and within the home.


Gospel-Centered Education: We believe in the transformative power of the Gospel, centering our educational approach on the teachings of Christ and the values of the Christian faith.

Love of Learning: We foster a culture of curiosity, exploration, and a lifelong passion for learning, recognizing that education is a journey of discovery that extends beyond the confines of the classroom.

Family Partnership: We value the partnership between school and home, recognizing parents as the primary educators and actively involving them in their children's educational journey.

Community Engagement: We embrace the importance of building strong relationships within our school community and beyond, fostering a sense of belonging, support and collaboration among students, families, and local organizations.

Academic Excellence: We are committed to academic excellence, providing a challenging and enriching curriculum that empowers students to reach their full potential intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. This commitment begins with the encouragement for kids to love learning.

Character Development: We prioritize the development of character and integrity, instilling in our students values such as compassion, kindness, respect, and responsibility, shaping them into future Christian leaders.

Hybrid-Model: We are passionate about employing experienced Christian teachers who can further enrich the education of our children beyond a typical homeschool/co-op model. This model consists of two days a week of teacher- led learning and three days a week parent-led within the home.

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is without error (2 Timothy 3:16). We believe in the Holy Trinity (2 Corinthians 13:14).

We believe in deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. (Hebrews 1, John 1:1, Luke 24, Matthew 24:29-20, Romans 3:23-25)

We believe salvation is by grace through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

We believe in a literal heaven for those who accept Jesus as Savior and a literal hell for those who reject Him (John 14:1-6, 2 Thessalonians 1:8).

We believe in a biblical view of marriage which is marriage between one man and one woman. (1 Corinthians 7, Genesis 2:24)

We believe God created two genders, male and female, in His likeness. (Genesis 1:27)

Code of Sexual Conduct

Marriage - Legacy Prep defines marriage as the permanent and exclusive union of one man and one woman and that intimate sexual activity is to occur exclusively within that union. (1 Corinthians 7, Genesis 2:24)

Gender Identity - Legacy Prep members must arm their biological sex and refrain from any and all attempts to physically change, alter, or disagree with their predominant biological sex. (Genesis 1:27)

Sexual Orientation - Legacy Prep members must affirm the sexual complementarity of man and woman and resist any and all same-sex sexual attractions and refrain from any and all same-sex sexual acts or conduct. (Genesis 1:27)

Physical Boundaries - Physical, emotional, and sexual boundaries should be respected at all times, and any form of harassment, abuse, or exploitation will not be tolerated. (1 Peter 2:17, John 15:12)


All members of our community are expected to treat one another with kindness, compassion, and respect, recognizing the image of God in each person.

Legacy Prep Students, families, employees, and volunteers must adhere to Legacy Prep’s Statement of Faith and Code of Conduct Policy to qualify for involvement with Legacy Prep.